Have your say! Boddington's Council Plan Review

Published on Thursday, 8 February 2024 at 2:33:33 PM

Boddington’s 10 year plan – the Council Plan – is being reviewed and we need your help to shape the future of our Shire. This is a chance to consider the things that impact the daily life of residents, businesses and visitors. Over the next week, hard copy surveys will be sent to all households in Boddington, with an online version also available from the Shire Facebook page and website. This is a great opportunity to let us know what is most important to you and where you would like our Shire to be heading.

If you don’t receive your copy, and can’t access the online survey, hard copies are also available at the Shire administration, and library. Survey closes Sunday 18 February, 2024.

Online Survey can be completed here: https://catalyse.au1.qualtrics.com/.../SV_beKjtSTKTR6aUya

Read more about the Council Plan Review here: https://www.boddington.wa.gov.au/2024-council-plan-review...

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