Mountain Bike Trail Project

In 2019 the Shire was successful in obtaining funding from Royalty for Regions via Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development to undertake preconstruction activities for a Regional Project to complement the Peel Regional Trails Strategy 2019. The Peel Trails Strategy 2019 reflects the aspirations of the five local governments in the Peel region to guide future trails development in a collaborative approach to support increased visitation.

The Boddington Mountain Bike Trail was allocated $102,000, to engage a trails consultant to undertake preconstruction activities. The scope included:

  • a site assessment comprising a desktop, flora and fauna, heritage and disease risk assessments;
  • concept planning;
  • corridor evaluation; and,
  • detailed design.

The location of the Boddington Mountain Bike Trail is the site of the Boddington Water Reserve, on the corner of Bannister-Marradong Road and Newmarket Road. This area is also known as the Williams Reserve. 

Why is this project taking place?

The need to undertake this project is driven by:

  • recommendations made in Peel Trails Strategy
  • community interest in trails as identified in the 2022-2032 Council Plan
  • an undersupply of mountain bike trails in Boddington 

What’s next?

Earlier this year the Concept Plan was available for community feedback. Submissions were presented to Council at the June Ordinary Council Meeting 2023. With overwhelmingly positive support from the community, Council endorsed the Concept Plan.

The Design and Construction of the first 7 – 10km of trails will commence in March 2024.