Shire of Boddington Council Meetings 

The Shire of Boddington Ordinary Council Meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of each month at 5:30pm, excluding January. These meetings are held in Council Chambers at the Shire Administration Centre 39 Bannister Road, Boddington.


Public Questions 

Members of the public are welcome to attend. Public questions can be made at the commencement of the meetings. 

  • The Shire will accept a maximum of 2 questions per person. To ensure equality and consistency, each part of a multi-part question will be treated as a question in its own right. 
  • Questions lodged by 12 noon on the day immediately prior to the scheduled Council meeting will be responded to, where possible, at the Council meeting. These questions, and their responses, will be distributed to Elected Members and made available to the public in written form at the meeting.

How question time works:

  1. When the Presiding Member ask if there are any questions from the public, you are to acknowledge that you have a question.
  2. The Presiding Member will call on the public to ask their questions.
  3. State your full name and address
  4. Ask the question of the Council, directed to the Presiding Member
  5. A question may be taken on notice by the Council for a later response.
  6. When a question is taken on notice, the response will be sent directly to the member of the public asking the question in writing. This will then be included in the agenda at the next meeting of the Council.

Local Government Act 1995, Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 7 (4). Nothing in sub regulation (3) (each person is to be given an equal and fair opportunity to as a question and receive a response) requires -
(a) a Council to answer a question that does not relate to a matter affecting the local government;
(b) a Council at a special meeting to answer a question that does not relate to the purpose of the meeting, or
(c) a committee to answer a question that does not relate to a function of the committee.

For the full policy document on Public Question Time please click here.

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Community members are welcome to address agenda items at Council meetings. These presentations made by community are called deputations.

Council must approve deputation requests first, and these need to be received at least two business days before the meeting.

Requirements when making a deputation

  • Up to five people can attend a meeting to present a deputation, however, only two may address the council during the presentation. The other three may respond to specific questions from Councillors.
  • A deputation is limited to 10 minutes, including question time and discussion, and must relate to an agenda item listed for consideration at the meeting you wish to address.
  • Only one subject per application form. If you want to make a deputation on more than one agenda item at any meeting, it’s a good idea to contact us for advice.
  • If you have printed material to support your deputation, please bring 14 copies with you to the meeting. These will be given to the Councillors to read.
  • You must clearly state on your application form if you’ll be using a PowerPoint presentation as part of your deputation. PowerPoint presentations are not allowed without the prior consent of the Shire CEO.

What role will you play during the deputation*

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Schedule of Council Meetings 2025