Boddington Swimming Pool Future Options

The Boddington Swimming Pool opened during the 1990s and currently comprises a six lane outdoor 25m pool and undercover wading pool, surrounded by grass areas. The facility is open for six months per year from 15 October – 15 April, and operated by Contract Aquatic Services on behalf of the Shire.

In previous Council Plan consultation, residents rated the Boddington Swimming Pool as the third highest performing service from a total of 40 services, however this contrasted with also being the sixth highest priority to address. This indicates the Boddington Swimming Pool is valued, though also suggests a review of current service and facility provision is required to ensure the facility continues to meet local needs as Boddington continues to grow and develop.

Why is this project taking place?

  • Community feedback has indicated a number of facility and operational improvements that require further consideration.
  • The present facility, while not near end of life, is ageing and future capital replacement will need to be considered alongside growing service expectations.
  • Public aquatic facilities provide a safe, supervised and accessible environment for people of all ages and abilities to engage in physical activity, foster social connection, and improve quality of life.
  • Investment in public aquatic facilities contribute to the economic vitality of communities by creating jobs, increasing property values, attracting visitors, supporting local businesses and reducing healthcare expenditure. 

How can I be involved?

The broader community has previously provided baseline feedback and encouraged to submit questions and comments throughout the project’s lifecycle.

The Shire is establishing a Reference Group to bring together frequent users to better understand current usage patterns and quantify anticipated future demand, to evidence the feasibility and progression of short term and long term needs for Boddington Swimming Pool. This will facilitate an opportunity for frequent users to be directly involved in shaping a recommendation and enable the Shire to work collectively with them to identify a preferred option to inform a future Council decision.

Nominations for the Reference Group close on Thursday, 9 May, at 4 pm.

The nomination form asks you to indicate your address, age bracket, gender and other personal details. This information will be kept confidential and will only be used to assess diverse representation on the Group.

The Reference Group will hold at least three meetings during the planning stage of the project. The inaugural meeting is anticipated to occur during the final half of May 2024 and the Group will determine the subsequent meeting schedule.


Age Group*

Areas of Interest*

Which sector of the community do you represent?*

Please select the times you are available to attend meetings*

I wish to submit my nomination for the Swimming Pool Future Options Reference Group. I agree to abide by the Terms of Reference for the Group. Upon becoming a member of the Group, I consent to the publication of my name and photograph in Shire publications and other communication material, including social and print media.*



What has occurred to date?

In 2023, the Shire arranged the completion of an asset condition report for Boddington Swimming Pool, with the intention to clarify the anticipated lifespan of the existing facility and the suitability of embedding community aspirations at the existing site.

Expressions of Interest to join the Community Reference Group closed in May 2024 and the first meeting occurred in June 2024. The condition of the existing facilities and amenities and current patronage levels were reviewed, as well as discussion about short term, medium term and long term aquatic needs.

What's Next?

The Community Reference Group will continue to meet to consider case studies of other similar projects to determine feasibility, and collate the needs raised into a future direction for Council endorsement.
