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What is a Council Plan?

The Shire of Boddington’s Council Plan is the highest level planning document that guides how the Shire will operate and deliver projects and services over the medium to long term.

The Council Plan is a combination of the Strategic Community Plan and Corporate Business Plan in one document, and identifies the long term priorities, goals and overall vision for a local government to guide decision making. To ensure that the Council Plan stays current and accurately reflects the priorities of the local community, a full review is undertaken every four years, with a desktop review every two years.

What has the progress been so far?

Over 300 people took part in the community survey. Data from the surveys was then collated into the Community Scorecard and presented at workshops held on 3 and 4 May 2022. Over 90 people attended, including a group of students from the Boddington District Senior High School, to talk about the main street beautification, a community gym, upgrades for the swimming pool, support for an aged accommodation facility, facilitating the Weir dredging project, sustainable waste management programs, playgrounds, education needs, and much more!

Full results from Survey have been collated and are available to download here: Survey Results

Information from the surveys and workshops has now been formalised into the Council Plan 2022 -2032. This comprehensive document highlights all of the priority projects for the coming years, to ensure that the communities vision for the future is achieved.

Click here to download a copy of the Council Plan

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